Now You Can Spend
Some Quality Time
With Mandy

Morning Coffee With Mandy
Enjoy a cup of piping hot, fresh brewed coffee in the kitchen with Mandy!
Tuesday June 6, 2023 - 9:00am
It's just you,Mandy and your favorite coffee or tea. Have a personal and private conversation and get to really know your favorite performer.
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Saturday At The Pool
It just doesn't get any better than watching Mandy lounging by the pool in her sexiest swimwear
Sunday July 1, 2023 - 11:30am
From the swimsuit to the lotion to splashing around in the cool clear water. It just doesn't get any more 'Mandy' than this.
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Sunday Lingerie
Spend a lazy Sunday interacting with Mandy while she models her lastest lingerie
Sunday June 18, 2023 - 11:00am
Help her choose her lingerie, then watch her model it. It's a totally personal and private lingerie show staged just for you.
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Morning Coffee With Mandy
Enjoy a cup of piping hot, fresh brewed coffee in the kitchen with Mandy!
Tuesday June 6, 2023 - 9:00am
It's just you,Mandy and your favorite coffee or tea. Have a personal and private conversation and get to really know your favorite performer.
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Saturday At The Pool
It just doesn't get any better than watching Mandy lounging by the pool in her sexiest swimwear
Sunday July 1, 2023 - 11:30am
From the swimsuit to the lotion to splashing around in the cool clear water. It just doesn't get any more 'Mandy' than this.
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Sunday Lingerie
Spend a lazy Sunday interacting with Mandy while she models her lastest lingerie
Sunday June 18, 2023 - 11:00am
Help her choose her lingerie, then watch her model it. It's a totally personal and private lingerie show staged just for you.
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Enter your name and email address for updates, freebies and more.
About Mandy Events Shop Gear Shop AmaRose
Need Help? Email: support@mandysacs.com
© 2023 Mandy Sacs. All rights reserved.